Friday, September 21, 2012

Abbey in Wonderland - Our first birthday!

So over the past 6 months, I have been feverishly planning a birthday party for my baby. Her first birthday! To me, it was a huge deal and needed to be celebrated properly. Everyone, including Charlie, tells me the first birthday is more about the parents than the kid, but honestly I think this day is going to be just as much about her as it will about me and our first year together as a family.

For those of you who don't know me personally, or don't know me well enough, I am a HUGE crafter and DIYer. I am the type of person who sees something and says "Ooh! I could make that!" and usually I do, and quite obviously, this party was no exception. SO be prepared for lots of tutorials and recipes in the coming days as I get my pictures (and sanity) in order.

Intitally for my baby shower I wanted to do an Alice in Wonderland theme, but my mother put the kibosh on that right quick, so it was the obvious choice for Abbey's party. Being a MSAHM (MOSTLY!-Stay-At-Home-Mom) I knew I would have the time to do most things slowly, at my pace and on a reasonable budget. I haven't added everything up yet, but We're definitely under $300 for 50+ people and that INCLUDES food and drink to the utmost ridiculousness.

6 months before the party, so back in March-ish, I started a board on Pinterest. It now has over 200 pins of photos, recipes, ideas for decor, games and all such things Wonderland. A lot of them are pipe dreams, because a cake of the caliber as most of those cakes, does not fit into a $300 budget. The Dollar Tree became my best friend, as did thrift stores, garage sales and swap meets. I had my family scouring San Diego for mismatched plates, tea pots and cups. I ransacked my cupboards and home for evidence of my old "Anthropologie decorated life", which just happens to ft perfectly into an outdoorsy tea party themed setting. Bird cages, ruffles, chandeliers, anything I could find. You see why I needed 6 months.

For all of you moms out there planning Alice parties, stick with me, and I'll try to make it as easy for you as possible! Even if you aren't creative, or crafty! It's so easy to turn your party into something extra special with just a few handmade touches. I'll post back soon, but now I have to tend to my cookie pops for the party!

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