Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The start of every new years brings with it, the chance to start anew. You see people in the grocery stores loading their carts up with healthier food, avoiding the processed foods a little more. You see a rise in new gym memberships, people running in the cold morning air. You see people pinning crazy amounts of blog posts regarding organization and they start buying plastic bins and label makers to help make their houses as perfect and pristine as the photos in the article. And then a month later, everything has gone back to normal and everyone's resolutions are broken.
I am guilty of everything mentioned above. I have no one in my life to keep me held accountable for my actions because frankly, I make these resolutions in my head and plan with the greatest of intentions to actually do them, but then the glitter on the new year washes off and I'm still me.

So this year, you are all my support system. YOU need to call me out on it when I stop doing what I said I would. YOU need to post a comment and say "Hey! You promised us!" because the strength of people in numbers is greater than anything my husband can glare at me for. He sees me everyday. He knows I'm not as shiny and put together as I may seem to the outside world. It's YOU who is going to make a difference to me and my plans and wishes and goals for 2013. And in a year from today, I can look back and see if any of this made a difference. If calling out to the universe made me a more "accountable for my actions" type girl.

So with this, I bring you my list of resolutions...

  1. BLOG MORE! This is always the top of my list and honestly, this year I NEED to follow it. By 2014, I want people to kinda actually maybe read this, comment, like it and share my blog with friends!
  2.  MAKE MORE! I am decently good at this already, but this year I am starting my "business" so I need to really focus on making new things, coming up with creative, original ideas and sharing them with the world via my Etsy Store, craft fairs, farmer's markets etc...
  3. TAKE MORE PICTURES! I am always making new things, trying new products, perfecting new recipes... and I really could be taking pictures and setting up tutorials to share... so this year I WILL!
  4. BE MORE HEALTHY! With my family, that seems like an impossible feat, but I will make it so!
  5. ORGANIZE MORE! This house really needs it, like really and it's going to have to start with me because the Lord knows that everyone else who lives here won't. 
I think 5 is a good start... I think they are sorta kinda reasonable and I think I can sorta kinda keep them up as long as you're willing to help kick me in the booty when I need it.

What are your resolutions this year? How do you plan to keep yourself in check so you don't fall behind? Share with me below in the comments!

Happy New Year!


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